

This is a Flying Game about AngryBird.

This game is writtern by Python base on Pyglet. To learn more about Pyglet, you can refer to http://www.pyglet.org/

The source code structure:
|- luckybird.py the main proceture
|- game
 |- _ init _.py modules used by luckybird.py
 |- config.py configure file, global constant
 |- resources.py import resources
 |- util.py util functions
 |- player.py Player class is about the player himself, derived from PhysicalObject
 |- angrybird.py AngryBird class is about the enemy, derived from PhysicalObject
 |- egg.py Egg class is about the score, derived from PhysicalObject
 |- physicalobject.py Base class, moving things
 |- load.py instantiate and load all objects

How to Play

Written by Lu.dev on 11 November 2013